Sensi Co is a THC beverage company out of La Crosse WI specializing in fast-acting, non-alcoholic THC seltzers. Senci was created to normalize alcohol alternatives in social settings and to provide an enjoyable way to experience the benefits of THC in a refreshing beverage. Sensi takes pride in having their hands in every step of the process from cultivation of the seed to the finished product in our consumer’s hands. We want to ensure consumers feel safe exploring the world of cannabis by putting quality at the forefront of every product we produce.
One common question is how Sensi products can be legal. The answer lies in the 2018 Farm Bill, which defines hemp as anything containing less than 0.3% THC by dry weight or volume. This means that for every 1g of product, we are allowed up to 3mg of THC. All Sensi products are fully compliant with this regulation, making them a legal hemp product available nationwide.
Sensi can be found at La Crosse area Festivals, Woodman’s, and Cannabiz Depot locations.
P: 608-205-8162